Tag - bathroom

Freestanding bathtub – conglomerate or acrylic?
Freestanding bathtub – conglomerate or acrylic?

More and more willingly decide on free-standing bathtubs. Which model is worth choosing? We check!

What should be the height of the bathtub?
What should be the height of the bathtub?

Wondering what should be the optimal height of the bathtub and how to adjust it to the needs of the household? We give you a hint!

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What is useful for tiling a bathroom?
What is useful for tiling a bathroom?
An obligatory element of every bathroom are ceramic tiles. With a little knowledge and skills you can successfully tile the bathroom yourself. Check what is useful for laying tiles.
Glazing inside the house – interesting proposals
Glazing inside the house – interesting proposals
What glazing is worth using inside the house? Here are some interesting proposals
Do you know these benefits and options for water filtration?
Do you know these benefits and options for water filtration?
From this text you will learn why you should purchase water filtration equipment. We suggest what are the benefits