How to work from home with kids? We reveal the patents!

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In 2020, every office worker suddenly had to adjust to a new reality – remote working. It quickly became apparent that it could be more convenient and efficient than working from home. But the biggest challenge faced was parents of young children who were also grounded at home

Working remotely with young children at home can be problematic. Toddlers can’t command their time like teenagers, they need constant attention, and it’s hard to explain the realities of remote work to them. But there are a few proven ways that as a full-time parent, you can also focus on your career – even from home. We give you some tips on how to organize your online job with your kids at home

Split responsibilities with your partner

If your partner also works remotely, splitting responsibilities should be much easier. On the other hand, if he or she works stationary, try to negotiate flexible hours at work where you can take over work responsibilities while your partner takes over the childcare reins

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If your kids have spent most of their time so far in preschool or elementary school, adjusting to the new reality can be difficult at first – but by sharing responsibilities in solidarity, you’ll quickly work out how to work from home without going crazy.

Talk to your child

Even if your little one is 4 years old, it’s worth having a frank conversation in which you explain to your child that just because you’re at home doesn’t mean you’re on vacation or vacation. Introduce the uniqueness of the situation, tell about your responsibilities – the child will feel appreciated if you decide to talk to him “seriously”.

Arrange that while you are doing your job, he/she is occupied with his/her own work – it may be coloring books, puzzles or reading. It’s important to keep your child occupied for at least 20 minutes, during which time you can get on with your chores

Make a list of time-wasting games and activities

As already mentioned, your little one has to have their own tasks to do during your work time.Sometimes, it’s hard to come up with a game or a fun activity on the fly that hasn’t been on the schedule for the past 3 days. That’s why it’s a good idea to make a list of all the board games and puzzles you have at home, and then add in word games and ones without any accessories. Also, arm yourself with a supply of coloring books, crayons, and cards that can be your lifebelt when you have no other ideas for fun

Designate a play and work space

Designating a work space and a relaxation space makes sense even without kids in the house – it allows you to separate your personal life from your work. Jednak jeśli posiadasz dzieci, podstawową zasadą powinno być wyznaczenie granic – „to jest moje biuro” , “this is your play space”. You can even buy a special mat or piece of carpet to mark the boundaries of your play space with – this will also avoid toys and puzzle pieces scattered around the house

Make a task list!

Not just for yourself, but for the kids as well. Not only will you be able to get a moment to yourself, but you will also teach them organization and good time management. If, in addition, you present it to them as an interesting way to spend their time – e.g. who completes their goals for the day more accurately, who “ticks off” more points, etc., they may simply enjoy it. – they might just love it!

If you live with older children, include household chores on the list, of course – let them be a help to you and learn to take care of their surroundings

Schedule breaks with your kids

Many parents praise working remotely in intervals. This system helps them focus on specific office tasks, and also allows them to spend time with their children, who at least partially satisfy their thirst for attention

You need to adjust the length of work segments and breaks according to the age of your child, as well as their disposition – some kids can sit for hours over a coloring book and focus on it, others start to get bored after five minutes. At the beginning try a system of one hour of work – 15 minutes of break, and then freely change the proportions depending on the needs

Give yourself time to calm down

In order not to go crazy, you also need to have time to relax. Working remotely with kids at home means playing two roles at once – and that can be exhausting. If you live with a partner, work out what days you each have time to yourselves – for a hot bath with a book or watching the game in peace and quiet. With this golden division, each of you will have the opportunity to relax and thus recuperate for the next challenges of working remotely with kids at home.

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