Step by step guide to fitting interior blinds

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Many of us cannot imagine home without window coverings. Internal roller blinds are more and more often replacing blinds and classic curtains. We do not have to hire professionals to install them. We can do it ourselves.

Interior roller blinds for your home

Blinds are designed not only to protect us from excessive sun exposure, but also from the eyes of others. They are also a decorative element. Currently produced models encourage with their design, ease of installation (even on irregularly shaped windows) and parameters such as light transmission and fabric type . They can be easily applied in almost any home, regardless of the style in which it has been decorated.

We distinguish, among others, interior roller blinds:

  • classic free-hanging and mini,
  • day-night,
  • roman,
  • austrian,
  • pleated.

Mounting in a cassette on the wall

Mounting on the wall is recommended especially for large surfaces and window recesses. If installed inside a niche, the roller blind should be wider than the window frame by ca. 2 cm on each side, and if installed outside, then by ca. 10 cm on each side. Unfortunately, wall blinds that are closed often make it impossible to fully open the window.

For installation you will need a tape measure, level and pencil to plan and mark the position of the brackets. You will also need to place the blind against the wall to check that there is equal spacing on both sides of the window. The next step is to drill the holes, insert the dowels and screw the brackets on with the screws. It is best to do it slowly and check everything with a ruler and level.

Then place the cassette on the brackets and on the chain place the upper and lower locks for rolling the blind, but the lower profile should not fall on the window sill. It is important to remember that wall roller blinds do not have any side tension as they do not fit tightly to the window.

Mounting on the window frame

This type of installation requires the roller blind to be about 1.5 cm wider on each side than the window pane and its unquestionable advantage is that it allows the window to be opened freely with the blind closed. It is also important to remember that it should not obstruct access to the handle in any case.

Before installation, the window frame should be thoroughly degreased and cleaned, the roller blind should be placed on it and the places where it is to be located should be marked.

The next step is to mount the brackets. Many models do not require drilling holes that would leave permanent marks, but simply use double-sided foam tape or glue. Then place the mechanism on one side of the tube and the plastic end on the other side. What remains is to fit the blind to the brackets and secure it with the included piece.

When it comes to the assembly of the day blinds in the cassette, it is necessary to glue the guides on the sides of the window and put the stops on the regulating chain in the bottom and top position of the blind.

Mounting on the ceiling

Roller-shutters that are wider than the window by 10 cm on each side can be installed on the ceiling (then there will be the best conditions for good shading). Roller blinds mounted in this manner attract attention and look very elegant. What is more, they optically enlarge and elevate the room. The disadvantage is, however, that they require some space to be rolled up, usually from 20 to 30 cm.

Mounting roller blinds on the ceiling is similar to that on the wall. It is necessary to determine and measure the places for the brackets, keeping the appropriate distances. Then, it is necessary to screw them on after inserting the wall plugs. Finally, the roller blind cassette has to be put on the brackets and the catches have to be closed. What is important, the roller blinds cannot be mounted to the suspended ceiling

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