Walk in or shower tray – which type of shower should I choose?

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When arranging a bathroom, one of the most important issues is choosing the type of equipment. If the decision to choose a shower has already been made, you still need to choose a cabin: standard with a shower tray or walk-in type. Which is better and why?

Shower enclosures are increasingly being chosen over bathtubs. But which is better: a walk-in shower enclosure or a shower tray? Both options can be beneficial, depending on the dimensions and shapes of your bathroom, as well as your installation options. When installing a walk-in shower, it will be necessary to make a new spout and install a suitable glass. Both types of shower can be found at https://wannaczykabina.pl/.

Cost and ease of installation

A walk-in shower enclosure has fewer components and seems to be a simpler solution than one with a shower tray. However, if you decide to go this way, it is important to professionally install the water drain. For it to flow properly, the floor under the shower should be profiled at a slight slope.


Traditional shower enclosures with a shower tray are usually comfortable and safe for most household members. However, if there are disabled or elderly people or small children in the family, it can be difficult for them to cross the threshold of the shower tray, especially with deep shower trays. There is no such problem when installing a walk-in shower enclosure. They can be easily used by anyone and a special chair, handles and handrails can be installed inside to make it easier for the elderly or disabled to take a shower.


The advantage of a deep shower tray is that you can get standing water, just like in a bathtub. This can be useful if you want to shower small children, wash household objects or flowers, or do laundry by hand. However, not everyone benefits from this functionality of a shower tray, so it all depends on individual preferences.

Keeping the shower clean

A regular shower enclosure with a shower tray will be more difficult to keep clean than a walk-in shower enclosure. This is due to the greater number of mounting components in the case of the former. It’s harder to get into the various corners and nooks here, making it necessary to spend more time on thorough cleaning. Keeping a walk-in cabin clean involves washing the floor, the glass wall and the shower set itself.

If the walk-in shower has the correct dimensions and the floor is well shaped, you should not be afraid of splashing. However, if you want to completely reduce the splashing of water, you can opt for a cabin with a movable wall.

In a small bathroom

A walk-in shower in a small bathroom is a perfect solution. The walls of such a cabin can be as small as 70-80 cm. Even in a block of flats, where bathrooms are often very small, such a shower will turn out well. The open form of the walk-in shower does not overwhelm the room, which could be the case with a traditional shower enclosure. On the contrary, this modern cabin can optically enlarge the bathroom.

When choosing a shower enclosure, you should first of all take into account the fact that a walk-in shower can not be installed everywhere. Sometimes the housing conditions do not allow it. You should first compare the costs associated with the use of both shower systems in a given location and the installation capabilities of the room. The choice of a walk-in or shower enclosure depends mainly on the preferences of the household members. It is important that the solution used is as comfortable as possible for everyone.

Main photo: Max Vakhtbovych/pexels.com

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